If Eero Pro 6 won’t reset, the issue can be related to improper charging or Eero app issues.
Considering the volume of people struggling with resetting Eero Pro 6, this guide will help you thoroughly examine all possible causes.
Of course, we’ve also prepared a quick guide to show you how to reset error Pro 6 in easy steps, so without further ado, let’s check the quick solution!
Whenever the Eero Pro 6 isn’t resetting, hard reset the unit and temporarily suspend the service connection. When ready, check if the eero node is already reset and inspect the unit’s power equipment.
There’s more so let’s get started!
How to Reset Eero Pro 6 Correctly?
The first thing to do is to verify that you’re executing the reset instructions correctly, which will ensure that you’re doing things right.
Follow these instructions to activate the factory reset on your eero Pro 6 properly:
- Verify that the eero Pro 6 is plugged into power.
- Next, locate the “Reset” button on the rear panel.
- Hold the eero’s “Reset” button for 10–15 seconds.
- Wait until the LED lamp of the eero unit flashes up.
- Launch the eero app and re-configure the device.
The key to activating the factory reset properly is not releasing the “Reset” button until the eero’s indicator lamp flashes.
If you hold the button for too long or release it earlier, your network will undergo a fluctuation and the factory reset will not start.
About Eero’s Reset Indication:
If you have activated the factory reset on your Eero Pro 6 successfully, the frontal LED of the device should turn solid white.
The status of the Eero node or router within the Eero app will be temporarily outlined in green color and then, you will be able to complete the initial setup.
How Does Reset Affect Eero?
The factory reset will only affect the system and settings of the eero Pro 6 by restoring all existing configurations to default values.
There is no way to prevent particular information, partitions, or settings of the eero Pro 6 from being erased and keep it after the factory reset.
eero Pro 6 Won’t Reset – Easy Solution Methods
Tip: Follow the solutions in consecutive order!
1. Restore the Eero’s Power Supply
The primary reason why the factory reset won’t affect your eero node or router is potentially degraded power supply.
In case of loose or defective power connections, your eero will not recognize the power button’s input after pressing it on the rear panel.
Here’s how to easily restore the power supply of the eero device:
- Unplug the power adapter from the eero Pro’s back.
- Disconnect the other end of the cable from the outlet.
- Wait for 60 seconds while the eero is disconnected.
- Reconnect the supplying cable to an electrical outlet.
- Wait until the eero unit starts up and check the LED.
Tip: You can determine if the eero unit is fully functional by the LED lamp’s status!
2. Unplug Eero’s Service Adapter
If you’re still wondering why the factory reset eero Pro 6 isn’t working there may be a congestion with the service supply of the unit.
Unlike the primary eero router that must remain persistently connected to the network modem, your eero nodes can also connect wirelessly.
Here’s how to reset the service connection of an eero node or primary router!
How to Unplug Eero Node From Service?
- To unplug a wired eero node, disconnect the Ethernet cable from the “LAN” port on your modem and disconnect the other end from your eero.
Wait for 20 seconds and…
- To disconnect a Wi-Fi Eero node, open the Eero app, access the configuration of the faulty Eero, and unpair the Eero from the “Wi-Fi” tab.
How to Unplug Eero Primary Router From Service?
The primary eero router must remain physically connected with the network unit in your setup, via Ethernet cable.
To temporarily disconnect the primary eero from service, unplug the Ethernet from the back of your modem and disconnect the other end from the primary eero router’s port.
Tip: Inspect the physical condition of the service cable of the eero device!
3. Check if the eero is Already Reset
You can only activate the eero’s factory reset once, meaning pressing the “Reset” button after that will not have any effect.
You should check if the eero node or router has already started the factory reset and that’s why the device is not detecting the pressing input of the “Reset” button.
Let’s have a more detailed analysis of how to identify an eero that’s resetting!
How to Check if eero is Resetting Via LED Lamp?
The only peripheral indication of the eero that the factory reset has started is the white-colored indication produced by the frontal LED lamp.
The eero blinking should last 30–40 seconds until all system settings and existing configurations of the eero are uninstalled.
How to check if Eero is Resetting Via the App?
You can also determine if the eero unit has started the reset by launching the eero mobile app and navigating to “Devices.”
Thus, tap on the tile of the malfunctioning eero unit to access the settings and check if the color indicator is green or blank.
Info: A green pulsing indicator around the device’s tile within the eero app means that the factory reset is currently ongoing.
4. Troubleshoot Eero’s Power Supply
The eero Pro 6 might be refusing to start the factory reset due to power insufficiency, as a result of power source issues or defective power equipment.
The next step is to attempt some standard troubleshooting of the eero Pro 6’s power supply to restore its functionality, and finally detect the factory reset.
Note: Most solutions require the eero unit to be connected to the router wirelessly!
Inspect eero’s Power Equipment
The first step is to conduct a thorough examination of the eero unit’s power equipment and ensure all connections are secured and stable.
Loose, improper, or defective power connections can significantly reduce the power supply and prevent the eero from starting the reset.
Alter the eero Unit’s Power Source
The power fault can be caused by a source insufficiency and that’s why the next step is to connect the eero into an alternative outlet.
Ensure that the electrical outlet is fully functional and test another device or electrical appliance before installing your eero node or router.
Remove Third-Party Equipment
Well, delivering power to your eero via unidentified third-party equipment can potentially result in issues with the power supply.
If the node is still failing to start the factory reset, you should install the power cable directly into an electrical outlet and press the “Reset” button.
Warning: Using eero with defective equipment may result in a serious hardware malfunction!
5. Unstuck the “Reset” Button
The “Reset” button on the rear panel of the eero node might be obstructed, preventing the activation of the factory reset.
The next step is to closely examine the reset button and check if there are obstructions between the button’s plastic cover and the internal pressure plate.
You can slide a toothpick through the reset button’s joints and perform circular movements to collect any debris or dust accumulation.
Warning: Do not disassemble the eero unit as this will result in a warranty void!
6. Uninstall the Eero Mobile App
There’s a possibility that an issue with the Eero mobile application is preventing the Eero child node or primary router from restoring to defaults.
You can address issues with the platform by uninstalling it from your mobile device and downloading it again from the application store.
Warning: All eero devices will be disconnected from the system after uninstalling the app!
How to Reinstall the eero App On Android?
- Access the “Settings” app or tab on the Android OS device.
- Open the “Storage” or “Applications” section in the options.
- Next, scroll down and locate the eero app within the listings.
- Tap on the “Uninstall” button to erase the eero application.
- Open the Google Play Store and download your eero app.
How to Reinstall the eero App On iPhones?
- Locate the eero app on the homepage of your device.
- Tap and hold the app for 3 seconds to show the menu.
- Choose the “Remove this App” button from the section.
- Wait until the eero app is uninstalled from your device.
- Open the App Store and download the eero app again.
Tip: If prompted, download the latest available version of the eero mobile application!
Quick Recap
If Eero Pro 6 won’t reset, power cycle the Eero unit, inspect the power equipment, and reinstall the Eero mobile app.
If the issue persists, untuck the reset button and check if the Eero has already undergone a factory reset.
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Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.