Does Eero have to be wired in for it to work? Or can you use it wirelessly in conjunction with other devices within your household?
In this guide, we’ll be uncovering the truth of whether your Eero needs to be wired in or not.
Not all Eeros need to be wired into the Ethernet port of your gateway/modem. However, you’ll need at least one (1) Eero device to be plugged in for it to function.
Does Eero Have to be Wired?
If you’re talking about Eero routers, then yes, they need to be linked to your modem or gateway.
With the Eero device being a router, you’ll need to connect one (1) of it to the Ethernet port of your modem or gateway.
This way, it’ll be capable of broadcasting or spreading WiFi signals to devices in the vicinity (including other Eero devices).
On the contrary, if you’re talking about Eero Beacons, which do not have Ethernet ports, then you don’t need to worry about plugging or wiring it into your gateway or router.
Their primary purpose is to extend the WiFi and you can simply plug them into power for them to function.
Why Do I Need to Connect Eero to Modem via its Ethernet Port?
You need to plug your Eero into your modem or gateway in order for it to receive the data or information it needs so that it can broadcast or spread it to other devices in the vicinity.
This means, if you have a router connected or linked up with your modem, you’ll have to unplug it to make way for your Eero device to work and function.
Without a modem, your Eero will just be a router without an internet connection.
You can still see it, you can still connect to it, but it wouldn’t be able to give you an internet connection.
How Do You Wire an Eero Device In?
The procedure of wiring or connecting an Eero device to your modem is not as simple as some of you might think.
To give you a quick glance of how the process is done, follow these simple and easy steps:
Step #1: Download the Eero App on Your Device
The first step is to download and install the Eero app on your device. It’s compatible with both Android and iOS operating systems, so don’t worry.
NOTE: You wouldn’t be able to set up your Eero device using a web browser.
Step #2: Create Your Eero Account
Once you have the Eero app downloaded, the next step is to create your Eero account.
You simply need to click on Register or Create New Eero Account to do this.
Alternatively, if you have an Amazon account, you can use it to be able to have access to an Eero account.
Step #3: Disconnect All Devices Connected to the Modem
When you’ve successfully created your profile/account, the next step is to power off your modem and all devices connected to it.
Then, disconnect and unplug all devices connected to your modem/gateway – yes, including the current router you’re using.
Step #4: Connect Your Eero to Your Modem
Before you plug your modem back into power again, link or connect your Eero device to your modem using the Ethernet cable that came with the Eero box.
When done, power both the modem and the Eero device by plugging them into the power outlet.
NOTE: Make sure that the Ethernet cable is plugged in properly on both ends (going to the Eero and going to the modem) to avoid further problems with the connection.
Step #5: Establish the Eero Network
After you’re done setting up the hardware, create your Eero network via the app.
To do this, simply follow these steps:
- Tap on Next on the app.
- Wait for the app to locate your Eero.
- Select the proper and correct location for your Eero.
- Fill in the SSID or the network name, and then set a password up.
Step #6: Power Cycle Both Devices
To conclude the process and to prepare it for use, perform a power cycle on both your Eero and modem.
To do this, simply unplug both devices from power and leave them for about two (2) to three (3) minutes.
Then, power them back on again by plugging the router first, and then the modem.
Wait for a minute or two for the devices to reinitialize before you start connecting your devices to your Eero.
Should you have more than one (1) Eero device, add it into the network by following step #5 after powering all Eero devices up.
Test out your newly established Eero device by connecting your devices to it and see if it functions and works properly!
NOTE: You can use your Amazon account instead of creating an Eero account if you have one already.
Do I Need to Hardwire All My Eero Devices?
The short and quick answer is no, you don’t need to wire and connect all your Eero devices to your modem.
You only need one (1) particular Eero device connected or hardwired into your modem so that it can properly distribute connection.
There’s not a rule that says you need to wire all of them up to your modem, in fact, that can be too exhaustive and impractical since you’ll need multiple Ethernet cables.
If you have more than one (1) Eero device because your space is too big for a single unit, then, don’t worry, because you wouldn’t be required to hardwire or connect all Eero devices to the modem/gateway.
You can utilize Eero devices’ wireless setting/configuration to be able to scatter and distribute WiFi signals to other devices in the network.
Connecting Your Eero Using Ethernet Switches
Alternatively, if you choose to use the wired functionality of your Eero devices, you can either connect these to your modem (via Ethernet switches) or you can connect Eeros to each other.
So, if you’re part of the demographic asking, does one Eero have to be wired in, yes you do because it’ll be the source or root of your entire home’s connection!
Would the Connection Be Faster if I Wire All Eeros In?
Yes, the connection and the link between all your Eero with respect to the modem will be faster and more reliable if it’s a direct-wired connection.
This is because hardwiring them means that you wouldn’t experience a loss in the throughput because your connection is direct and there would not be any hops just like how you would experience it in a wireless connection.
Should you be asking if you need to connect and link up all Eero devices you have to your modem, you don’t!
You only need to wire and plug one (1) Eero device into your modem so that it can act as the router.
Read Next: Why Is Eero Not Connecting To Internet?
Would You Choose to Plug All Your Eero In?
So, does Eero have to be wired for it to work? Clearly not!
As long as you have a single Eero connected to the modem via an Ethernet cable, you can start using it as your router.
Keep a tab on this guide so that the next time you think about learning more about it, you know where to go and what to do.
Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.