Is your Cox cable box stuck on welcome screen? So, this appears to be a system fault.
When your Cox cable box is stuck on the welcome screen for more than 5 minutes, then the operating system is no longer attempting to load.
Hence, the TV box is stuck, and there is no longer point in waiting. This is why you’ll know exactly what to do after reading this guide.
When the Cox cable box is stuck on the welcome screen or entangled in a boot loop, perform a power cycle and switch to another power source. If that doesn’t help, factory reset your Cox cable box from the official web portal.
Let’s keep unwrapping!
Why is Cox Stuck on Welcome Screen?
There are numerous system startup files, and they must be operational when you turn on your Cox Contour TV box.
When some of these system files are glitched or faulty, the TV box won’t be able to complete the startup process, and it’ll sometimes hang on the welcome screen.
So, here are all the causes that can make your Cox TV box stuck on the boot:
These are the possibilities behind the welcome screen freeze or boot loop on your Cox TV box, and the solution involves addressing everything.
We strongly recommend following the guide!
Note: The issue could be incidental and might not continue to appear!
Cox Cable Box Stuck on Welcome Screen – Easy Solutions!
Tip: Apply the solutions in consecutive order!
1. Power Cycle the Cox Cable Box!
The first and one of the best working techniques is power circulation.
This is a process that does not only restart the operating system but also discharges the TV box from the electrical current and allows a fresh beginning of all startup services.
Here’s how to perform a power circulation on the Cox Contour TV box:
- First, fully power off your Cox Contour TV box.
- Then, disconnect the TV box’s electrical supply.
- Necessary: Disconnect the cable on both sides!
- Wait for at least 3 minutes for a total power cycle.
- Then, reconnect the power cable on both sides.
It’s essential to verify that the power cable is connected securely on both sides because the TV box might be unable to boot in case of any power fluctuations.
If you’re still stuck at the welcome screen, keep reading ahead even after completely power cycling the Cox TV box.
Note: The power circulation will not erase anything from your Cox TV box!
2. Verify the Cox Electrical Source
One of the fundamental reasons why your Cox cable box is stuck on the boot continuously is due to a power insufficiency.
When your Cox Contour TV box’s power source or power equipment is faulty, the system might be unable to pass through the welcome screen and restart.
There are a few essential factors to take into consideration:
- Verify that the electrical outlet of the Cox TV box is intact.
- Connect your Cox Contour TV box directly to the outlet.
- Avoid connecting the TV box to plugs, strips, or dividers.
- Carefully inspect the power cable and adapter for damage.
How to Test Power Outlet?
One of the best ways to test a power outlet without special tools, such as a Multimeter, would be to plug a lamp.
A light could reflect any power insufficiency or fluctuations as flickering or weak and unconstant lighting.
The outcome will suggest whether the power outlet is functional or not.
Any Recent Power Outage?
This might be normal if your Cox Contour TV box started to freeze on the welcome screen after a recent power outlet in your area.
Sometimes, after the power kicks back, the A/C line current might still fluctuate, and all other appliances in your home will also be affected.
Tip: In case of power fluctuations in your home, avoid using your Cox receiver!
3. Factory Reset Your Cox Contour
If your Cox Contour always gets stuck on the welcome screen, a factory reset would be the best possible method.
Well, with Cox, you don’t need to access the settings because the factory reset happens through the web and will refresh your Cox receiver and service connection.
Here’s how to factory reset your Cox Contour box easily:
- First, verify that your Cox box is currently on and working.
- Note: Don’t worry if the Cox box is constantly rebooting.
- Using an internet-enabled device, go to
- Then, sign into your user account and go to “My Services.”
- Scroll down the page and navigate under the MyTV tab.
- Locate the name of your cable box from the list of devices.
- Then select “Reset My Equipment” under your Cox receiver.
Then on the “Let’s reset your cable box” screen, select the blue “Begin Reset” button, and you’ll see “We’re resetting your cable box.”
This means that the process is ongoing, and your Cox Contour is being reset.
How to Reset Cox Mini Box?
If you have the Cox Mini box, you don’t need all of the formalities from the above method, and there is a more straightforward way to reset the receiver.
Simply unplug the Cox Mini TV box from the power for 90 seconds, and the rest will automatically start when you turn the box on.
Note: The reset shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes!
4. Verify the HDMI Connection to the TV
Sometimes, the Cox Contour TV box might freeze on the welcome screen, not because the TV box is stuck but coincidentally, the HDMI connection has glitched.
So, to justify this, unplug the HDMI cable from the back of the receiver and then from your TV to refresh the video signal.
If that solves the problem, it’s simply your HDMI connection causing the entire fault, so you might have to replace the cable with a new one.
On the other hand, the freezing in the picture might also be caused by your TV, but you should be able to identify such a TV fault.
Tip: Try using different HDMI ports to connect your Cox TV box to your TV.
5. Prevent Cox TV Box from Overheating!
Another reason why the Cox Contour TV box keeps loading up to the welcome screen and then restarts, only to repeat the same, is due to overheating.
This mainly affects electronics during the warm seasons but also impacts TV boxes with poor air ventilation and dust accumulation.
If your Cox TV box is hot on the touch, then it’s likely that the TV box is overheating.
The Cox TV box overheating restarts typically happen when the machine is under load, thus, while booting up the system and during the welcome screen.
Here are a couple of ways to cool down your Cox box at home:
- Open a window to ventilate the air in the room.
- Verify that your Cox is not enclosed or covered.
- Unclog the air vents on your Cox Contour box.
- Use compressed air to remove the dust buildup.
- Use a fan to decrease the TV box temps quickly.
If underneath the Cox cable box is very hot, we recommend using a small box to lift your TV box from the hot surface.
This will prevent the warmth from spreading underneath the TV box and possibly avoid any additional rise in the internal temperature.
Tip: Ultimately, relocate your Cox Contour TV box!
6. Replace Your Faulty Cox Equipment
Sometimes, old Cox TV boxes might encounter a failure in the HDD sectors, which might prevent the operating system from loading.
However, such an issue can’t be solved at home, and the replacement would require a specialist.
We recommend contacting 24/7 Cox Customer Service and discussing the problem for further recommendations and troubleshooting.
Also, don’t forget to check the Cox TV box’s warranty; hopefully, you’ll be able to have a replacement without paying additionally or anything. Best of luck!
Quick Recap:
Hence, when the Cox cable box stuck on welcome screen, the receiver is unable to load the operating system.
So, perform a power cycle on the TV box, verify that the electrical source is functional, check for overheating, and ultimately factory reset the Cox Contour.
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Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.