If you’re one of the people looking to get a Verizon FIOS early termination fee waiver, you’re just on the right page! Today, we’ll be helping you get this, so you don’t have to pay for a lucrative amount on your last Verizon FIOS bill!
For you to be able to have the early termination fee (ETF) waived, you have to access Verizon’s online form and duly fill it out. Then, you’d have to upload a document that can stand as evidence of your move. Verizon FIOS will follow up with questions within a full week if they deem it’s needed.
Once confirmed, Verizon FIOS will then issue a bill credit into your account. But, if you’re not on automatic payments, they’ll give you a refund.
In this guide, we’ll be discussing two (2) situations; the first situation is when you need the waiver because you’re moving out of a Verizon FIOS-capable area.
The second one is because you found a better offer from a different provider – so stay tuned!
Will Verizon Waive Early Termination Fee?
This is a question asked by many Verizon FIOS subscribers. The answer to this is certain, and it’ll most likely depend on the reason.
If you are moving, let’s say out of the country, then you would really have no Verizon FIOS service. Therefore, Verizon will help you by waiving or by giving you credit for the ETF.
On the other hand, if you’re cancelling because you found a better provider, there’s a high possibility that they wouldn’t waive the early termination fee or the ETF.
Keep reading, we have some great ideas to try and waive off the fee!
Moving to Area Not Service by Verizon – Early Termination Fee Waiver
If your reason for cancelling or terminating the contract is because your new address doesn’t have Verizon FIOS services, then you’re eligible to get the Verizon FIOS ETF waiver.
You can initiate this by following these steps:
Step 1: Access the Verizon Disconnection Form
You can access the Verizon early termination fee (ETF) form by clicking this link. You should see different fields where you have to put in the information required.
That brings us to our next step, which is…
Step 2: Input All Information Needed
Fill out all necessary information such as your complete name, the order number, contact number, account number, etc.
NOTE: For the disconnection date, it must be within a total of two (2) months or sixty days to give them the appropriate time to review it.
Step 3: Provide Documentary Proof of New Address
At the bottom part of the information field, you’ll be prompted to upload a copy of the document that will serve as proof of your new address.
The attached document needs to be clear, concise, and legal.
Step 4: Wait for Verizon’s Follow-Up
The last step is to wait for the team’s follow-up. If they have questions, they’ll prompt you and they’ll be in contact with you in seven (7) business days.
Should they fail to be in communication with you in seven (7) business days, try doing a follow-up by contacting their customer service department.
Be sure that you have your account number or contact number, as well as the PIN of your account.
The early cancellation or termination fee of Verizon FIOS services starts at $350. It decreases every single month when you retain your services.
That’s the process on how you can have the ETF waived on your Verizon FIOS bill if you’re moving to a location where Verizon’s FIOS services aren’t available.
The only customers and clients who are eligible for this would be those who would be moving to a new location that’s not reached by Verizon FIOS.
But what if you’re not going to move or to relocate to a different place or location? Is it possible to have the ETF waived in this scenario, too?
Verizon FIOS Early Termination Fee Waiver If You’re Not Moving?
Is it possible to have the early cancellation fee waived even if you won’t be transferring to a new location?
There actually are a couple of ways people attempt and try to do in order to have the ETF cancelled out from their bill.
Here are some of the best and the most effective methods you can try out.
1. Transferring to a Provider That Offers ETF Credits
ETF credits are the “credits” you can get to help you with the termination fee you’ll pay on your last Verizon FIOS bill.
Not all providers offer this type of credit, and it’s not always called “ETF credits.”
You can find out if a certain provider offers this when you try and tell them that you’ll have to pay for an ETF from your previous provider.
They’ll tell you they’ll help you by offering some type of credit to help offset what you’ll be paying for. More often than not, it will be in the form of credits on the first few months of billing in your new plan.
If this is the case, then it’ll come out that you wouldn’t have to pay for anything for the first few months!
2. Contacting the Customer Support Team of Verizon FIOS
The next thing you can try to do is to contact Verizon’s contact center. You can be honest about your plans of transferring to a new service provider, but you can also be tough and hard if you want to.
Here are a few of the things you can tell them to gain higher chances of having the ETF waived:
- You’re not satisfied with their services (in a nice way)
- Ask them if they can somehow reduce the ETF
- Tell them that you aren’t getting the best of the services you’re paying for
- Blatantly tell them you’re looking for other features and they wouldn’t be able to provide it
3. Transferring Contract to a Different Person
Last but definitely not least is to transfer the contract to a different person. In this scenario, you would not really just transfer the contract.
In fact, it’ll still be under your name, but the authorized people (those who can call in) could be changed and added.
The friend, relative, or any other person you’ll be selling it to will now be the ones to pay for and settle the monthly bills.
It wouldn’t really be a “waiver” for the ETF, but you can get a promotional offer where you wouldn’t have to pay for it.
4. Try and Strike Up a Deal
Should you really be unable to squeeze out the fee for cancelling your services within the contract, the next best thing to do is to contact Verizon FIOS and negotiate on how the last payment would go.
You can politely ask them if they can do something for you for help and assistance; other reasons are valid, too.
Those are the ways on how you can have the ETF on your Verizon FIOS bill waived.
The last thing these service providers want is for them to lose their customers/ clients.
So, when you talk to them about cancelling or terminating the contract, they’ll do whatever they can to keep you.
And it can reach the extent of them reducing your monthly payments without compromising or decreasing the services you’re getting.
While these ways and methods aren’t foolproof, you can consider them the best and the most effective things you can do to have your early cancellation fee waived.
If you’re looking for ways on how to get a waiver on your Verizon FIOS ETF for the reason that you’re moving to a location where their services wouldn’t reach, you just have to fill out the form.
But, if you’re just cancelling because you saw a better offer and you want to try other providers, then you need to try the different options we gave above.
Getting a Verizon FIOS early termination fee waiver isn’t really hard to do – especially if your reason is valid (moving out to an unreached location).
You don’t really have to negotiate if this is the case.
Read Next: Know the steps to transfer a Verizon Line to another person.
Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.