There are several options to explore if you are after how to connect Honeywell thermostat to Alexa.
The option you chose will largely depend on the type of Honeywell thermostat you are using.
It is paramount to mention that your thermostat must be a modern smart version that uses Wifi. If not, you cannot link it with your Alexa application.
To connect the Honeywell thermostat to your Alexa, you must link your Alexa app and Honeywell Home app.
When the two accounts are linked, you will have access to key thermostat features for easy control.
For Honeywell thermostats that either use Lyric or Total Connect 2 accounts, there is a different procedure.
To find out more about connecting Alexa to your Honeywell thermostat keep on reading.
Benefits of Connecting Honeywell Thermostat to Alexa
Connecting your Honeywell thermostat to Alexa offers many benefits. The most important one is convenience.
What Alexa does is make our lives simple and convenient. You do not have to walk to every gadget in your house to turn or control it.
With Alexa, you can control your thermostat from anywhere in your house.
Just by issuing a command, the thermostat should adjust to your requirements.
This convenience is the reason why people search for how to connect my Honeywell thermostat to Alexa.
How to Connect Honeywell Thermostat to Alexa Step by Step
To be able to connect Alexa to Honeywell thermostat, you must have the Alexa application, the Honeywell Home app, and the Honeywell thermostat.
If you have all these follow the steps below.
Step #1 Download and Set Up Alexa and Honeywell Apps
The first step is to download and set up your applications. If you are searching for this process you probably already have both apps.
If you do not have both Apps, you can download them from the play store and log in. For Alexa, you will use your Amazon credentials to log in.
Note: If you are using a Honeywell smart application other than the Honeywell Home app, jump to the alternative setup option below.
Step #2: Open Alexa App and Add Your Thermostat
Once your Honeywell and Alexa applications are all set on your device, you need to link them.
The Honeywell application setup will help define the functions of your thermostat.
To link the two applications, you have to search for the specific thermostat you are using at home.
Steps to link the Honeywell app to Alexa
- Open your Alexa application and tap on the Menu Icon on the top left of your screen
- Tap on Add Device
- Select Thermostat towards the bottom of the screen
- Tap on Honeywell from the list of thermostat brands that will show up
- Tap on Continue to move to the next steps
Step #3 Enable the Use of the Honeywell Thermostat
The next step is to enable the use of your device on Alexa.
After selecting that to add a Honeywell device, you must first allow it to work on Alexa.
Steps to enable Honeywell thermostat on Alexa
- Once you press Continue in the steps above, you will open the page to enable usage of Honeywell
- Tap on the “Enable to Use” button
- Enter the Email address and Password for your Honeywell Home App account
- Tap on Login to enable your specific device to be used by Alexa
- Tap on X at the top right corner of the screen
Note: This step cannot be completed unless you had already set up an account for your Honeywell Home application.
You must first set up your Honeywell Home app account after downloading the app from the App Store.
Step #4 Set Up Your Thermostat on Alexa
After linking your Honeywell Home app account with Alexa, your Alexa has permission to access the thermostat.
Now you have to search for your device and proceed to set it up on Alexa.
- Go back to your Menu
- Press Discover Devices
- Alexa will search and find your specific device, Select it.
- Once you have found and selected the device tap on Set Up Device
- Press on Choose Group if you are using more than one thermostat and would like to organize them into groups
- If you do not want to organize into groups tap on Skip
- Press on Done to complete the setup
Tip: If you are using more than one thermostat in your house, organizing them in groups gives you more control.
You should consider this option if you are using more than one.
With that, you will have connected the thermostat to Alexa. You can start giving it contains and it will respond promptly.
Alternative Way to Connect Honeywell Thermostat to Alexa
If you are using a Honeywell thermostat that operates on either Total Connect 2 or Lyric systems, the above steps may not help.
This is because your thermostat is controlled from a different center. Most modern Honeywell thermostats are controlled on Lyric accounts.
What this means is that you should have a Lyric application instead of a Honeywell Home app account.
For this setup, make sure you already have Lyric or Total Connect accounts and an Alexa account.
For Lyric and Total Connect 2, just search the name of the application in the App Store, download, and register. Once done, follow these steps to connect to Alexa.
Step #1: Log in to Alexa and Select Skill
The first step should be to login into your Alexa application and select a Skill. This is quite different from the steps above.
When you are connecting Alexa on Lyric or Total connect, you must specify the Skill you want.
Here are the steps
- Open your Alexa App
- Click on the Menu bar at the top left corner
- Tap on Skills
What this does is select a device and add it to the skills you want to use.
Step #2 Search for Honeywell Thermostat
You now have to find the specific Honeywell device that you want to link to Alexa. You can do this by searching for your thermostat name.
Here are the steps
- Tap on the Search Bar right on top of the Skills page
- Search for the term Honeywell
- Select your specific device from the ones on the list
Step #3 Enable Skill on Device
Once you have chosen the device you wish to use on your Alexa, you will be taken to the next page. Here, you must give Alexa permission to link with the device.
To do this, simply click on Enable.
Step #4 Login to Lyric or Total Connect
Once you have enabled your Alexa to connect to the thermostat, you will be required to log in with your Lyric on Total Connect account.
This will depend on the type of thermostat you are using. If you click Enable, you will be taken to the relevant account.
To complete setup
- Enter your Lyric or Total Connect credentials and Tap on Login
- The device will require you to give permission by Clicking Allow
- After clicking Allow tap on Connect
With that, you will have linked your device to Alexa and should be able to issue commands
How to Use Alexa Commands on Honeywell Thermostat
After enabling Skill and linking your applications, you should go back to the start page.
From here follow these steps to use Alexa
- Tap on the Menu
- Select Discover Devices or command Alexa to discover your devices
- Select Your Devices and issue commands
Common Commands That Alexa can perform on Thermostats
- “Alexa, set Thermostat to 76 degrees”
- “Alexa, set Thermostat to Cool to 70 degrees
- “Alexa, set Thermostat to Heat to 78 degrees”
Note: Since the Alexa and Thermostat applications are from different entities, do not issue over complicated commands.
Use simple and direct commands for what you want to do.
To solve how to connect Honeywell thermostat to Alexa, you must first understand the type of thermostat you are using.
If your thermostat supports the Lyric system you have to download the Lyric app. The same goes for Total Connect.
Thankfully, most thermostats use the Honeywell Home app for easy connection.
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Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.