Giffgaff voicemail not working after activation? We got you covered.
Such as any other mobile carrier, Giffgaff offers a voicemail, which comes in handy when we’re not around to pick up our phone.
The voicemail does not have to be set up, users only need to turn the service on, which requires only a minute.
Let’s learn more!
The Giffgaff voicemail is not working because the server is disabled or there is a problem with the SIM card. In addition, users need to have good coverage to receive voicemail as well as enabled notifications to be alerted.
Let’s next learn more about what could be causing issues with Giffgaff voicemail:
Why is Giff Gaff Voicemail Not Working?
The reason why Giffgaff’s voicemail is not working could be because it’s disabled or there is a problem with your SIM card.
To identify what’s causing the problem, we’ll need to inspect each possibility so let’s take a quick look at all of them:
- Voicemail is Disabled
- Temporal Voicemail Bug
- No Cellular Coverage!
- Giffgaff SIM Card Issue
- Voicemail Setting Misconfiguration
There is another very important factor to consider. In case you’ve just received your Giffgaff SIM card, you’ll need to wait 24 hours for the activation period.
Although this is rare, some SIM cards take quite a bit of time to activate all services.
Note: The Giffgaff services will be stopped after the 14 days cancellation period expires without you activating the registration.
How To Fix When Giffgaff Voicemail Not Working?
As we’ve learned, there are quite a few reasons why the Giffgaff voicemail won’t work.
The solution guide below follows the chronological order of the aforementioned causes!
Let’s jump right in!
Solution #1 Enable/Disable Giffgaff Voicemail
In case you didn’t know the Giffgaff voicemail can be disabled and enabled manually.
This is why the very first step should be to check whether the service is disabled.
In case it’s already enabled we’ll toggle the voicemail ON and OFF to refresh the processes.
Here’s how to Enable & Disable Giffgaff voicemail:
- Turn OFF Giffgaff Voicemail by calling 1626
- Turn ON Giffgaff Voicemail by calling 1616
It’s important to make sure that 1616 is the last number that you’ve called before proceeding with the guide.
There is no point in troubleshooting a service that’s simply disabled. So, once again, call 1616 to activate your Giffgaff voicemail and if not working, proceed further!
Alert: Each call charges the user 8p per minute from the Goodybag.
Solution #2 Reset Voicemail PIN
You can reset your Giffgaff voicemail service in a few easy steps.
The reset works by changing your Voicemail PIN code, and will most definitely help to resolve your problem.
Here’s how to reset your GiffGaff PIN code in easy steps:
- Open the Messaging app and text “RESET” to the “802443” number!
- Then you’ll receive a temporary 5-digit PIN code via SMS.
- Call “443” and you’ll be prompted to enter the recently received PIN.
- Your Giffgaff Voicemail will be now reset.
When you’re ready, ask a family member to call you but don’t pick up. They should leave you a voice message and you should once again, call “433” to hear it.
In case you did not receive a temporary PIN code in your messages, perhaps you’re out of coverage.
Let’s optimise your Giffgaff coverage in the next solution!
Solution #3 Optimise Coverage
We all know that any of the cellular services, including voicemail won’t work when you’re out of coverage.
Take a look at the top-right corner of your screen where you’ll see the signal strength of your Giffgaff carrier.
- Users need at least 2 bars of signal strength to receive voicemails or make calls!
To improvise the signal strength, you’ll need to go outside or change your current location.
The cellular connection gets a week or completely lost when you’re underground or away from a cellular tower. Proceed only when you’ve got 2 or more bars of signal strength!
Note: Voice mail will arrive automatically once you regain signal coverage!
Solution #4 Reinsert GiffGaff SIM
When you’re unable to regain coverage or ALL of the Giffgaff services are not working, perhaps the issue is with the SIM card.
To justify, simply try calling someone or sending text messages to check whether only the voicemail is not working.
To refresh all Giffgaff services, reinstall the SIM card in your device:
- The SIM card is located in a tray holder.
- Use a sharp and thin object to reach in.
- Apply force until the SIM compartment comes out.
- Remove the SIM card.
- Embed the SIM card the correct way.
- Re-insert the SIM tray into the device.
Upon inserting your SIM card, a prompt will ask you to insert your Giffgaff SIM PIN code.
The default PIN code is “5555”. Since the PIN can be changed, contact Giffgaff if you’re unable to authorise your SIM card.
Tip: Also test whether the voice mail will work when the SIM is on another device!
Solution #5 Check Voicemail Settings
Now that we’ve made sure that your Voicemail is activated and that you’re in coverage, the next step is to check the settings.
The voicemail options are located in the Phone/Phonebook app on your device, based on the operating system.
Simply open the Phone app > More Options > Settings > Voicemail > Advanced Settings.
From there you only need to make sure that “Your Carrier” is selected to be able to use the Voicemail.
When you’re ready, dial “443” to check whether the service is now available.
Giffgaff Voicemail Notifications?
In case you’re not receiving notifications on your Giffgaff voicemail, you need to know that they have to be enabled first.
The notifications are available, again, in the Phone app:
- Open the Phone app.
- Choose More Options > Settings.
- Select Voicemail > Advanced Settings.
- From there tap on Setup.
- Select the Notifications tab.
- Enable Notifications and Vibration alerts.
Now when you don’t pick up your phone, and you’re sent a voice message, you’ll receive a notification.
Then to check and listen to the voice message, simply call “433”.
Solution #6 Perform a Manual Roam
The voicemail on Giffgaff might not be working because you’re connected to a distant mast, making your services slow.
Luckily you can do a Manual Roam, which will connect you to the closest mast, therefore your voicemail should start working.
Perform a Manual Roam Universally:
- On your device, go to Settings.
- From there tap on Mobile Networks.
- Select anything other than O2-UK.
- Exit the menu, and your device will lose coverage.
- Go back into the same menu and this time, select O2-UK.
- If you’re abroad, tap on “Select Automatically”.
Perform a Manual Roam on iPhones:
- On your iPhone go to Settings > Carrier.
- It’s “Mobile Data” on newer iPhones.
- Turn OFF the auto mode.
- Select something different from O2-UK.
- Exit the menu and wait until the device fails to connect.
- Repeat the steps but this time, choose O2-UK.
This operation will reset the SMS Centre Number (+44 78020 02606), which you’ll need to configure in the Messaging app’s settings.
Otherwise, you won’t be able to send SMS.
Tip: Check your Goodybag for available balance or credits!
GiffGaff Voicemail Still Not Working?
In case you’ve attempted everything but the voicemail on Giffgaff is still not working, this could only mean one of two things.
It’s either Giffgaff that’s currently out of service or something with your SIM card that is not quite on point.
The only way to know is to contact Giffgaff Customer Support and contact an agent.
Report your problem, as well as what you’ve already tried in this guide and the Giffgaff representative, will help you out.
Perhaps there is a problem with your registration or SIM activation. With a bit of luck, you’ll know what’s wrong in no time.
Let’s next summarise what we’ve learned about Giffgaff voicemail in this guide!
Quick Recap:
Thus, the Giffgaff voicemail is not working because the service hasn’t been activated yet or it’s disabled by the user. We’ve also learned that when the SIM card is not recognized by the device ALL services will be inactive. In case nothing helps we need to perform a manual roam!
Read Next: Giffgaff 5G Not Working?
Final Thoughts:
Now that we’ve learned why Giffgaff voicemail not working and how to solve the problem in a matter of minutes we’re ready to hear our messages.
Simply dial “443” to hear what your contacts wanted to say to you when you didn’t pick up. A really nice feature to have!
Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.