Is your Dell Inspiron 560 amber power light on? If you see an orange light on your Dell Inspiron 560, don’t panic. We have the solutions to your problem.
You may be dealing with a power issue when your Dell Inspiron 560 has a solid orange power light.
Either there is residual power in the circuit or problems with the power delivery. It is also possible you have a faulty power supply unit.
Your Dell Inspiron 560 amber power light is a common issue among users. If you encounter the same problem, we’ve got you covered!
To fix the issue, first, look for signs of overheating. If your Dell Inspiron 560 is fine, release the flea power from your computer. Turn off your computer and unplug it. Then, drain the flea power before plugging it back in and turning it on.
To fix the Dell Inspiron 560 amber light issue, we must first determine the possible cause. Every cause has its best course of action. We’ll discuss each of them in detail.
What Causes Dell Inspiron 560 Orange Power Light
Before dealing with the Dell Inspiron 560 orange power light issue, it is essential to determine the root cause.
It will help you take the best course of action, saving you time and effort. We listed below some of the most common reasons you have a solid amber light on your Dell computer.
1. Flea Power in The Circuit
There may be residual static electricity left in the computer even after you have turned it off. Try discharging the electrical charge to correct it.
2. Power Delivery Issue
Either your laptop does not support power delivery or has specific charging requirements. Your Dell Inspiron 360 might not recognize that it’s getting enough power.
3. A Faulty Power Supply Unit
If the power supply unit fails, it won’t be able to supply appropriate power. In this case, you’ll see a solid amber light, hear extra noises, or can’t turn on your computer.
4. Memory Module Problem
You may have incorrectly installed the memory modules or they’re malfunctioning. Either way, you need to remove and reinstall them to fix the issue.
5. Overheating Problems
It’s possible the CPU is overheating due to dust or debris blocking exhaust ports or air vents. You may also be dealing with a clogged fan.
These are the common causes of your Dell Inspiron 560 displaying a solid amber or orange light.
Now, let us proceed to the troubleshooting steps.
How to Fix Dell Inspiron 560 Amber Power Light
A Dell Inspiron 560 amber power light indicates a problem with the system board or the power supply.
So, before you move on to more complex troubleshooting steps, you want to make sure that you’re not dealing with a temporary problem with your motherboard and power supply.
You want to restart your computer, but you’re going to need to unplug it from the power outlet. Wait a few minutes, then turn it back on and see whether your computer turns on.
You also want to check if any of the fans are turning when you press the power button, as this can help you troubleshoot the issue.
If the fans work, it’s a power supply issue. If they don’t, you’re looking at a problem with your motherboard or other removable components.
Proceed to the solutions below to solve this error:
Solution #1: Release the Residual Current from Your Computer
The problem can be as simple as an overloaded circuit if you have a motherboard issue.
Since your motherboard has capacitors, the extra power won’t fry it immediately.
However, it can cause some of your components to malfunction and cause the amber power light on your Inspiron 560 to light up.
You want to discharge your motherboard, so everything is reset completely.
Draining the power also means that whenever you power it back up, the overload won’t happen, and your components will start to work just fine.
Here’s how to release the residual flea power from your Inspiron 560:
- Unplug your computer from the wall outlet.
- Remove all the cables connected to it.
- Press the power button and hold it for 20 to 30 seconds.
- Reconnect all the cables to your computer.
- Plug your computer in and turn it on.
Note: You can also reseat the 12V connector between your motherboard and power supply to perform a complete discharge.
Solution #2: Listen to Beep Codes to Determine the Best Action
Apart from the color of the power light, you can also tell the specific issue of your Dell Inspiron 560 through beep codes.
Whenever you start up your computer, it will sound a series of beeps if it detects a problem with your system. The number of beeps can tell you the exact issue you’re facing.
Here’s how to tell the issue with your Inspiron 560 with the beep codes:
- 1 Beep – BIOS corruption. Proceed to Solution #5.
- 2 Beeps – No Memory or RAM detected. Proceed to Solution #4.
- 3 Beeps – Motherboard issue. Replace the motherboard.
- 4 Beeps – Memory or RAM failure. Proceed to Solution #4.
- 5 Beeps – CMOS battery issue. Proceed to Solution #3.
Note: You can also perform the other solutions if the fix specified by your bee code does not resolve the problem.
Solution #3: Replace the CMOS Battery
One of the reasons why you don’t need to reconfigure your computer every time you start it up is because of the CMOS battery.
It powers a small chip that has all of your BIOS settings and loads it up as soon as you turn on your computer.
Here’s how to resolve this issue by replacing the CMOS battery:
- Turn off your computer and unplug it from the wall outlet.
- Remove the computer cover.
- Locate the battery socket on the motherboard.
- Press the battery release level to take out the battery.
- Insert the new battery with the positive side facing up.
Tip: Use a CR2032 battery coin battery.
Solution #4: Reset the Memory Modules
Your computer’s memory or RAM plays a vital role in your system. When it’s not connected properly, it can cause issues like it won’t turn on and display error notifications.
In the case of your Inspiron 560, it’s the amber power light.
The contacts might be a bit dirty, or the entire memory module is at fault.
If this is the case, it’s best to reseat the memory modules so you can find out what’s wrong with your computer.
Here’s how to remove and replace the memory modules on your Inspiron 560:
- Turn off and unplug your computer.
- Open the side covers and locate the memory or RAM modules.
- Press the tabs on both sides of the memory stick to release it.
- Check the contacts for any signs of dirt or damage.
- Return the memory stick into the slot until the tabs lock.
Tip: If dirt is on your RAM stick’s contacts, you can clean it using a pencil eraser.
Solution #5: Update Your BIOS
A corrupt BIOS file is usually the case when your Inspiron 560 refuses to start up, and the amber power light appears.
If this happens, the motherboard will not be able to power on and test itself, eventually failing to start up.
You’re likely going to hear some beeps, and other error notifications will appear.
To resolve this issue, you want to update your BIOS to clear up the corrupt files.
Here’s how to update the BIOS of your Inspiron 560:
- Go to the Dell support website and download the latest BIOS file.
- Copy the BIOS file into a USB storage.
- Start up your computer to DOS.
- Run the BIOS file by typing it into the Command Prompt.
Note: You’re going to need to use a different device to download the BIOS files and copy them into the USB.
Solution #6: Replace the Power Supply Unit
Finally, if none of these solutions seem to work, it’s safe to assume that you have a power supply issue.
It could be faulty or malfunctioning, making it unable for your computer to power up.
You’re going to want to replace the power supply unit so it can provide power to your motherboard and its other components.
Here’s how to replace the power supply unit on your Inspiron 560:
- Open your computer’s side cover.
- Disconnect the DC power cables from the motherboard.
- Unscrew the four screws on your power supply.
- Slide it out to replace it.
- Slide your replacement power supply into the bay.
Note: Make sure to get a power supply rated similarly or better than the previous one.
That’s it! If replacing your computer’s power supply does not resolve the issue, you can look into replacing the motherboard on your Inspiron 560.
You can also contact Dell customer support, as they’ll be glad to fix the problem for you or help you figure out what’s wrong.
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Bottom Line
Now that you know the causes and fixes of your Dell Inspiron 560 amber power light, you’ll be able to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
The issue does sound intimidating, but the fixes are actually quite simple to do.v
Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites. Check out more about him here.