If your Cox Contour remote will not change channels regardless of what you try, you should definitely check the solutions we’ve got for you!
We made sure to address each possible cause so without further ado, let’s see what it takes.
To resolve the non-changing channels issue with the Cox remote you should first reboot your cable box and TV. Then you should replace the batteries of your remote and remove any interference. If the issue continues to occur then you should reprogram the remote and if necessary, factory reset the box.
If you’re not familiar with how these solutions are done, we highly recommend reading the entire post so you can be appropriately prepared.
Why Does Cox Remote Turns TV On but Won’t Change Channels?
If your Cox remote is able to turn the TV on but isn’t able to change any of the channels, the remote is definitely working.
If the remote’s work is functional, but only the program channel buttons are not working, it is possible that there is an issue with the channel list.
Let’s summarize all of the possibilities up and learn more about what might have happened to your configuration and remote.
1. Low Remote Charge
You need to replace the batteries right away as they are the main suspect before anything else.
2. Obstructed Vision
In case the path between your remote and TV is blocked, it is possible that some of the buttons might not function properly.
3. Channel List Issue
When the remote is unable to change the channel but turns the TV on, there could be an issue specifically with the channel list or the signal.
4. Signal Problem
If your box has lost reception, it is possible that it won’t have any of the channels included in your subscription.
5. Subscription Issue
If your subscription plan expired, you will immediately lose access to all of the paid channels included.
Now that we’ve given you a proper insight into the issue, we can move on to the best troubleshooting methods available!
Cox Contour Remote Won’t Change Channels? Fix Methods
Before we proceed any further, have you tried rebooting your TV and cable box using the remote’s power button?
Sometimes there could be a temporal bug with the TV and you should be able to get it resolved with a simple restart.
If you’re still unable to change the channels of your TV using the Cox contour remote, let’s jump right into the first method.
Method #1. Troubleshoot The Remote
It is appropriate to begin the troubleshooting guide with troubleshooting your remote.
Sometimes if the charge is low, such issues could occur with your TV, and by replacing the batteries or discharging the remote, you should be able to fix it.
Here is how to properly discharge your remote:
- Remove the batteries of the remote.
- Press ALL buttons on the remote and make sure NOT to miss any.
- Insert the batteries in their compartment.
- Restart your TV.
- Test.
If that didn’t work, try to replace the batteries before you continue!
In addition, you might as well maintain your remote by cleaning any dust that has scattered across the button compartments.
Method #2. Power Cycle Your TV
By power cycling your TV device, you will discharge it as you did with the remote, hopefully fixing any issues that have developed preventing you from changing the channels.
Here is how to do it:
- Power OFF the TV.
- Unplug the power adapter of your TV out from the source.
- Wait patiently for about 3 minutes.
- Plug the power back in.
Tip: Plug your TV directly into a wall outlet to evade possible issues with strips or dividers that might be causing the issue.
Method #3. Reprogram The Remote
If your Cox Contour remote will not change channels, in most cases the remote is partially disconnected from your cable box.
In that regard, you should re-program your Cox Contour remote to the TV’s database in order to control all of the available features.
For this purpose, the only thing you should learn is the “Device Entry Code”, which is different for each model.
How To Discover The Device Entry Code?
Here are some popular brands and their TV codes:
- Samsung: 2051
- Roku: 1756
- LG: 2731
- Vizio: 1758
- TCL: 2434
- Sony: 0810
- RCA: 0047
- Sharp: 0093
- Insignia: 2049
- Philips: 0054
- Hisense: 2183
- Toshiba:1524
- Element: 1687
If you cannot find your TV brand here, you can use the Cox code finder tool to discover the code for your TV.
How To Reprogram The Cox remote?
- Point your Cox remote towards the TV.
- Press and release the remote TV mode key.
- Find and note the TV code down.
- Press and hold the remote’s SELECT and MUTE buttons.
- Enter the specific programming code you’ve found earlier.
- Turn OFF your TV using the power button.
If your TV shuts down, then the remote is paired. Now you can test if you can change channels.
Method #4. Remove Interference
If there are any obstructions in between the TV box and remote, you won’t be able to send a reliable signal, thus, your remote will not work.
To remove any remote signal interference, follow the steps below:
- Disconnect ALL devices connected to your TV and cable box.
- Remote WiFi transmitters, radios, and electrical devices near your cable box.
- Take away other TVs and devices that could be receiving your remote signal.
- Test your remote from a really close distance.
If the channels won’t change regardless of what you’re trying, maybe it’s the remote’s fault.
Let’s find out the next solution!
Method #5. Test With Universal Unit
If it is possible for you, try testing the TV with a universal remote. This way you will be able to determine whether the problem is coming from the Cox remote itself, or the TV is the faulty one.
The pairing process is pretty simple since universal remotes have a pairing button on top of the device, which will let you easily connect the remote to your TV.
Once you have connected a universal unit, if you’re able to change the channel then you should probably replace the Cox contour remote.
If you still cannot change channels, proceed with the next troubleshooting solution.
Method #6. Factory Reset The Cable Box
If you cannot change channels even after all previous methods, then you can perform a default reset on your cable box.
This will reverie ALL settings by default and hopefully resolve any issues.
Here is how to perform the reset on your Cox cable box:
- Navigate to Cox.com/RESET.
- Find the Reset My Cable Connection tab.
- Press on the “Reset My Connection” button.
- Wait for 15 minutes for the box to reset.
Alert: Be patient as you might glitch the reset if you start interacting with the box during the reset.
Read Next: How to Change Cox WiFi Name and Password?
Bottom Line:
If your Cox Contour remote will not change channels even after applying all of our solutions you can start suspecting two things.
The remote, arrow buttons (the hardware), or the receiving component of your box. Either way, your next best step would be to bring the devices for a repair service.
Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites. Check out more about him here.