If your AT&T internet keeps disconnecting, before you resign yourself to endless frustration, know that there are different proven methods to fix this problem.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through different solutions to help you fix the issue and restore your AT&T internet connection.
When AT&T broadband internet keeps dropping, first check for service outages in your area and reboot your equipment. Also, inspect the cable connections & limit the number of devices to stop congestion.
Let’s dig deeper into the guide to unwrap everything in detail!
Why Does My AT&T Internet Keep Dropping?
It can be incredibly frustrating when your AT&T internet repeatedly disconnects or drops out.
Many factors can lead to disconnection problems whether it is a simple service outage or any problem with your connected device, everything is countable.
So, let’s learn the possible reasons why AT&T internet is disconnecting:
How to Fix When AT&T Internet Keeps Disconnecting?
There are several proven ways to resolve your internet dropout or disconnection issue.
Below is a detailed step-by-step guide with the troubleshooting steps you can try on your own at home…
1. Test Your Broadband Setup
The first step is to identify what’s causing the problem, so you may need to run a few quick tests to determine the culprit.
A few steps will enable you to learn whether the internet dropout is from the router, your connection device, or your broadband AT&T connection.
- Run a free internet speed test – This will determine whether your internet is slow or fast, and we recommend doing the test while connected hard-wired and wireless.
- Connect another smart device – This will help you realize whether the issue comes from the connection device that you were previously using.
- Test your broadband service – To determine whether the problem is with your WiFi or broadband service, test your connection on an Ethernet-connected device.
These three simple steps will save you time and help you quickly determine whether the issue is with your setup or network.
If your AT&T internet keeps disconnecting on all devices, you might need to check for ongoing outages.
2. Check for AT&T Service Outage
The next and obvious thing you should check is for any AT&T service outages in your area.
This is because the AT&T service occasionally goes down, and the internet becomes unstable due to scheduled outages or backend maintenance.
Follow these steps to check for AT&T service outages:
- Open a web browser on your PC or phone.
- Go to the “AT&T Service Outages” service.
- Scroll down to “Find Outages in Your Area.”
- Then, select the “AT&T Internet” menu option.
- Insert “Zip Code” and “Check for Outages.”
You can also check for outages on your account on the same service status page.
If you find outages in your area/city, you need to wait until the service is restored on its own, which typically takes 2 to 3 hours, but in some cases, such an outage might last longer.
Tip: You should always check for ongoing outages when your internet goes down!
3. Power Cycle the Wi-Fi Router
Most of the time, the problem is a simple temporal bug or glitch that might be causing your WiFi router to disconnect from your devices.
Therefore, we recommend refreshing your entire AT&T setup via power cycling your internet device, which only takes a few minutes.
Use the following steps to power cycle your AT&T router:
- First, disconnect the router’s power cord from the outlet.
- Disconnect the router cord from the back of the modem.
- Unplug the battery backup (UPS) or DL cable if it’s there.
- Wait up to 5 minutes while the power cable is unplugged.
- Then, reconnect all the wires back to the network device.
You must wait a few minutes for your network device to boot up entirely and return online.
Test your internet connection once you see the internet service LED on your WiFi router or modem.
Reminder: Don’t forget to test your broadband and WiFi separately!
4. Inspect the Cable Connections
The AT&T routers connect with different network cables in the network setup.
So, when your ATT internet keeps dropping, a faulty or loose cable connection can be the culprit.
Therefore, inspect each cable and ensure they are firmly connected and in good working condition.
Here is a quick guide to inspect the AT&T cable connections:
- First, unplug your AT&T modem and service box from the outlet.
- Disconnect all cables from the back of your modem or gateway.
- Remove all wires from the AT&T service box or Fiber Wall Jack.
- Inspect all wires for visible damage, fraying, or bent connectors.
- If cables are in a good state, firmly reconnect them back securely.
- Connect your AT&T modem and service box back into the outlet.
When all network devices power on completely, test your internet connection and check if the disconnection issue is resolved.
If you come across any faulty wiring, be sure to replace them!
Note: The cables in your AT&T network setup may vary depending on the service type!
One More Thing – Check the Device’s Power Source!
When your internet connection keeps disconnecting, checking the device’s power source is crucial because the modem/router requires a constant power source for proper functioning.
So, start by checking the power cord and adapter for damage. If they are in good condition, try plugging your devices into a different wall outlet.
Know that if your router is turning off constantly due to overheating or power fluctuations, your devices will constantly disconnect from the WiFi.
Tip: Plug your AT&T router directly into the power socket!
5. Reduce Network Congestion
One crucial factor that most users overlook is the effect of network congestion on their WiFi router.
This happens when you connect too many devices on the same WiFi network, limiting the bandwidth and causing network disruption.
The solution is simple: Disconnect or limit the number of devices on your WiFi network!
This will help free up your device’s bandwidth and hopefully resolve your network disconnection problem.
However, network congestion can also be caused by other factors, so keep reading…
6. Stop the Signal Interference
Sometimes, when AT&T’s internet disconnects, the culprit is signal interference from other electronics or wireless devices.
Signal interference can happen due to different things, such as microwave ovens, cordless phones, Bluetooth units, or even wooden or concrete walls.
Therefore, try to move your network devices away from such potential sources of interference to avoid the problems of weak signals or frequent disconnections.
Tip: Reposition Your Network Devices
The location of your modem and router can significantly impact your connection quality.
Place your AT&T network devices in a central location within your home or at the place where you spend the most time for better coverage.
Tip: Install your AT&T router as high as possible and straighten the antennas!
7. Change Wi-Fi Channel and Frequency
If repositioning your WiFi router or modem doesn’t help, try changing your Wi-Fi channel and switching to another frequency.
If you live in a residential block or apartment with many other routers in the building, your WiFi channel may be overcrowded, leading to disconnects.
Follow these steps to change the network channel on AT&T router:
- Open a web browser on your computer or smartphone.
- Enter “” or “” in the address bar.
- Then, log in with your AT&T router’s admin credentials.
- Enter the “Wireless settings” in your router’s settings.
- After that, locate and navigate to the Channel Settings.
- Switch to a different channel from the dropdown menu.
- Lastly, click the “Save” button to apply the new changes.
When you finish these settings, reboot your WiFi router and wait until the device restarts and establishes the internet connection.
Then, test your internet connection and check if the internet disconnection problem persists.
Tip: Also, if you’re using the 5 GHz WiFi, know that you must stay close to the router, otherwise, connect to the 2.4 GHz WiFi frequency to prevent disconnects.
8. Factory Reset Your AT&T Device
If you’ve tried all steps without success, we recommend you perform a factory reset on your AT&T network device.
This is an excellent workaround that will refresh the entire network and WiFi, providing a fresh opportunity to set up your networking without any disconnecting errors!
Warning: The factory reset will erase all of your network settings!
Follow these steps to perform a factory reset on an AT&T router:
- First, ensure that all your devices are turned on.
- Locate the Reset hole on the back of the modem.
- Insert a paperclip or another sharp object within.
- Hold the button for about 15 seconds, and let go.
- Wait a few minutes for the modem to reset itself.
After that, simply set up your AT&T network devices by following the instructions in the mobile app.
In addition, connect all internet (Fiber/ONT), power, and DSL cables to the correct port.
Tip: If you need more help with your AT&T device, contact AT&T Support!
Quick Recap:
Hence, when your AT&T internet keeps disconnecting, you can fix this by power cycling your network devices and inspecting all networking cables.
In addition, you must check for outages, limit the connected devices, relocate the router, and perform a factory reset.
Follow us for more AT&T troubleshooting guides!
Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites. Check out more about him here.