Tracfone voicemail not working is among the common problems that TracFone subscribers face. If you are struggling with your TracFone voicemail, or TracFone visual voicemail, read along.
TracFone is one of the most popular prepaid, no-contract mobile phone service providers. Unfortunately, despite ranking high in terms of reliability, users experience problems here and there.
One of the common issues reported is voicemail feature malfunction. So, why is your voicemail not working?
If your TracFone voicemail is not working, it could be that you have not set voicemail. Other factors that could lead to TracFone not working include poor cellular signal, outdated voicemail app, no mobile data, or background permission settings.
In this article, find out why TracFone voicemail is not working and what to do about it.
Why is TracFone Voicemail Not Working?
When your voicemail is not working, it could be a simple problem that you can fix or a bigger issue that TracFone needs to mitigate.
Below are some of the common reasons why you can’t receive TracFone voicemail, TracFone voicemail notification not working, can’t download TracFone visual voicemails and other problems plus possible fixes.
1. Set Voicemail
To use the voicemail service on a new phone, or after you have changed SIM cards, you will have to set up voicemail.
If a colleague tells you they left you a voicemail, but you didn’t see it, it could be that you have not set voicemail. So, how do you set a TracFone voicemail?
How to Set Up TracFone Voicemail
Below is a guide on how to set up voicemail on TracFone.
Step 1: Activate the TracFone mobile as instructed on the TracFone activation page.
Step 2: Make a call to any number (MUST).
Step 3: Connect to voicemail by holding “1” on the dial pad.
Step 4: Follow the prompts to the end.
Note: The voicemail setup process can vary from one TracFone model to another.
To set it up with just one try, get device-specific instructions. Go to voicemail setup, and input your device’s serial number to get the appropriate instructions.
How to Set Up TracFone Visual Voicemail
Visual voicemail is a direct-access voicemail with a visual interface. If it is not working, it could also be that you have not set it up.
To get it working, you must first disable Visual Voicemail and download a new Visual Voicemail app.
Below is a step-by-step guide to enable you to set up TracFone visual voicemail.
Step 1: Click the Menu icon and then go to Settings.
Step 2: Click the Voicemail option, go to Visual Voicemail, and disable the feature.
Step 3: Next, Go to the Play Store and download My Visual Voicemail app.
Step 4: Download and install it.
Step 5: In the last step, go to Visual Voicemail and enable the feature.
If your visual voicemail wasn’t working because it was not set up, it should be working now.
2. Check If You Have Stable Cellular Signal
For voicemail to work, you need to have a stable cellular signal. Just the same way your call went to voicemail because of a cellular poor signal, the voicemail will still hang if there is still no signal. But once you get a signal, the voicemail will be delivered.
To determine whether it’s a signal problem, check the cellular signal bar indicators at the top right side of the main screen.
If you have three or more bars, your signal is fine, so voicemail should also work. But if you have less than three bars or no bars at all, you will have to troubleshoot TracFone no cellular signal problem.
A no signal problem can be solved by going to areas with coverage, restarting your device, reinserting the SIM card, toggling Airplane mode, or factory resetting your TracFone.
3. Check if You Have Mobile Data
If you have set up visual voicemail, but for some reason, you can’t get visual voicemail notifications, or you can’t download the visual voicemails, the problem could be that you don’t have access to the internet.
As you may be aware, TracFone Visual Voicemail uses the internet, be it mobile data or WiFi.
If you are not receiving visual voicemails, check whether you have internet access. You can opt for mobile data by turning it on or connecting to WiFi.
4. Visual Voicemail Permission for Background Data Usage
If you have access to mobile data or WiFi, but still visual voicemail is not working, the problem could be permissions. To solve the problem, you should allow voicemail permission for background data usage.
To give the app permission, follow the steps below.
- Go to Applications settings.
- Locate the Visual Voicemail app and click on it.
- Enable ‘Allow background data usage.’
This should fix the problem of visual voicemail not working.
5. Update Carrier Voicemail App
Another common reason your TracFone mobile is not working properly is an outdated voicemail carrier app. There could be bugs or malware preventing voicemail from functioning as it should be.
If you did set up your voicemail some time back and TracFone voicemail stopped working, updating the app could fix the problem.
6. Use Third-Party Apps
Sometimes, even after updating the app, TracFone voicemail may still not work. In this case, we recommend using third-party TracFone voicemail apps.
For the record, you need to use apps that are compatible with TracFone.
Note: Before opting for this option, clear the cache and data of the TracFone app to see if it fixes the problem.
Ask Help
There you have it, folks, some of the common reasons that may cause TracFone voicemail to stop working.
If none of the fixes above have been successful, I’m afraid you have a bigger issue that needs the attention of TracFone experts.
What you should do next is contact TracFone to have the problem addressed. Below are the channels you can use to troubleshoot your TracFone voicemail further;
- Get help from the TracFone community
- Live chat with a TracFone assistant
- Call TracFone’s support line
If TracFone voicemail is not working, the problem can be improper voicemail settings, poor cellular network coverage, no mobile data, outdated voicemail app and bugs, or lack of permissions. The good thing is that you can fix the problem yourself.
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Wrapping Up
TracFone voicemail not working can be a stressful encounter now that you are not getting voicemail notifications, voicemails are not going through, or you can’t download visual voicemails, among other TracFone voicemail problems.
If you are in this situation, try the above TracFone voicemail troubleshooting tips, and you could sort your problem in minutes.
Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.