Are you stuck in the depths of wondering how to cancel Viasat internet? Do you want to get on with the process without it being such a nuisance?
In this guide, we’ll help you with just that! Moreover, we’ll walk you through the steps of how to return Viasat equipment, too!
Canceling your internet services with Viasat is actually easy, you can call in, arrange for equipment return, and that’s it! But how can you do it without stressing out too much?
Why Cancel Viasat Internet?
Viasat, just like any of its competitors, never fails to provide quality services to its clients.
But, of course, their services “might” not be the best for you, and therefore, you want something different – something better in your perspective.
Here are some of the top reasons for canceling Viasat internet:
- You’re moving out of the country
- Other providers were able to offer better discounts even in the long-run
- You don’t need the services any longer
- You’re looking to save up on your monthly bills
We all have our reasons for canceling a service, but these are among the most common ones that have been used by subscribers.
Do I Have to Return Viasat Equipment When I Cancel?
This could be one of the questions swimming in your mind right now. How long do I have for me not to be charged? How can I return their equipment? Do I still need to return their devices? – These are the usual hierarchy of inquiries Viasat customers and clients have.
And to answer that question, yes, you’ll have to return leased devices and equipment to the company.
For the timeframe, you would have a maximum of thirty days (30) days from the date of cancellation. Going over that will incur charges on your final bill.
What Equipment Do I Need to Return?
In returning the equipment, you would have to return the following:
- Viasat modem
- The power cord of the modem
- Transmit and Receive Integrated Assembly (TRA)
You don’t need to return or send back the mounting brackets and the dish.
Best Ways on How to Return Viasat Equipment
If you’re concerned about how you can send back the leased devices you have, fret not!
Viasat was successful in making this particular process easy for all its customers! In fact, you can perform any of these two (2) methods in sending the leased devices back.
UPS Pick Up
For this method, you don’t have to go anywhere! A Viasat representative or agent will schedule a drop-off of a UPS recovery box to your house with the instructions on how to do it.
All you have to do is to be at home when the company drops off the recovery box, as well as when they’re scheduled to pick it up!
UPS Drop-Off
This method, on the other hand, is a bit different. You will receive a UPS letter complete with the instructions on how you can take your equipment to the nearest UPS store.
For this particular procedure, you wouldn’t box the equipment, you just have to bring it to the store and they will box it for you!
The method you’ll have to perform depends on the conversation you will have with the agent when you call about the cancellation.
Whatever process you choose, it’ll be free! You don’t have to shell out money for returning Viasat equipment!
That brings us to the next point; the reason why you’re here, which is…
How to Cancel Viasat Internet Easily
Now, a lot of you might think that canceling with them is such a headache. But, in actuality, it’s not!
Here’s how you can discontinue your services with Viasat:
Step #1: Contact Viasat
The first thing you want to do is to give Viasat’s customer service department a call.
Since Viasat is a company that’s famous for their internet services, expect to be put on hold before reaching a representative.
NOTE: It should take you anywhere between 1 to 3 minutes to reach an agent.
Step #2: Tell Them You’re Cancelling
When you reach an agent, tell them that you’re canceling.
Before you can proceed to the cancellation, the representative will ask for details to verify if you really are the owner (or an authorized person) to access the account.
You need to answer the following:
- Date of Birth (DoB)
- Current Outstanding Balance (if you have any)
- Last Payment Made
- What Plan You’re Under
NOTE: They’ll usually ask all of these and you get two (2), you’re in!
As a part of their job, they won’t just let you cancel like ok, so we’ll go ahead and cancel your internet services. Instead, they’ll try to help you to get a better plan, they’ll try to lower your bill, give you better value, and so on!
You just have to be firm about canceling, if you really are decided on it.
Step #3: Be Clear With the Fees
Then, after that, you need to clarify the fees you have to pay if you’re going to cancel.
Try to have a better understanding of how it works, let the representative explain to you what charges would be incurred, and if there are none, proceed to the next step, which is…
Step #4: Clarify the Return Procedure
Once you’re settled with the fees or how much you’re going to pay, clarify how you want to return the device or the equipment, based on the two (2) methods we gave above.
Base it depending on what’s more convenient and more accessible to you.
Step #5: Secure a Confirmation or a Reference For the Cancellation
Before the call ends, make sure that you get some type of confirmation or reference for the action you’ve done.
This is to ensure that the cancellation has commenced and that if you receive any charges for the service on the next bill, you can contact them and tell them that you’ve discontinued the services already.
That’s it! That’s how easy it is to halt the internet services you’re getting with Viasat! It’s simple and easy, right?
Do I Have to Pay For the Cancellation?
As we mentioned above, it will be your responsibility to know whether or not you have to pay anything.
Try to remember if you signed up with no long-term contract, if you did, you don’t have to worry about termination fees. Otherwise, you would have to compute the termination fees by multiplying $15 to the remaining months you have in the 24-month contract.
The vast majority of Viasat internet subscribers and clients think that canceling or discontinuing the services is such a hassle, but, it’s not!
It wouldn’t actually take you an hour to do it (excluding the returning of the devices or equipment).
So, this guide will be all you need if you’re looking for the best and the most concrete answers on how to cancel Viasat internet!
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Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.