Wondering what is causing the Foxtel iQ5 black screen? Well, this guide covers everything!
The black screen can be a sign of an underlying condition with the iQ5 cable box, but it often indicates a minor issue.
This guide will help you conduct a thorough inspection of your Foxtel cable box, determine what causes the iQ5 black screen to originate and how to fix it instantly.
To address the black screen on the Foxtel iQ5 power cycle the box, replace the HDMI cable, and test the Foxtel iQ5 on a resolution-supported viewing monitor or TV.
Let’s discuss the issue in detail!
Why Do the Foxtel Screen Goes Black?
The black screen on a Foxtel iQ5 is typically related either to the power or to the video transfer from the set-to-box to the TV.
We can’t exclude the monitor, in your case, the TV, but to find out the culprit, you must familiarise yourself with all the points of interest related to the back screen.
Here’s why the broadcast of the Foxtel iQ5 goes blank:
Let’s learn more about the different types of black screen issues!
Foxtel iQ5 Black Screen – Working & Efficient Steps
1. Black iQ5 Screen Identification
It is crucial to determine the exact condition of the iQ5 cable box by considering the device’s symptoms.
A total black screen often includes no audio and no video output from the TV box, whilst, during a partial black screen, you might still be able to hear the audio output of the box.
TV box black screens are separated into the following:
- Black screen of “Death” – No audio or video heard from the cable box.
- A “Partial” black screen – No video, but the audio can still be heard.
The significant difference is that an improper HDMI connection tends to cause a partial black screen, while an issue with the power supply is more likely to cause a black screen of death.
2. Power Circulate the Foxtel iQ5
One of the most straightforward methods to address issues with the Foxtel iQ5 is resetting the hardware’s electricity.
A complete circulation of the hardware’s power supply can be achieved by disconnecting the set-top box’s power cord from the A/C and waiting until the power drains.
Here are the complete steps for a power cycle on Foxtel iQ5:
- First, unplug the power cable from the back of your Foxtel iQ5.
- Next, disconnect the other end of the cable from the A/C supply.
- Wait 30 seconds and reconnect the power cable on both ends.
How to Inspect Foxtel iQ5 For Power Issues?
The black screen could indicate an underlying power complication with the Foxtel iQ5 TV box, so it’s also necessary to check this.
So, we’ve prepared a bunch of tips and tricks to identify and resolve power issues:
- Verify that the power adapter is securely connected on both ends.
- Inspect the electrical adapter for damage and locate visual defects.
- Connect the Foxtel iQ5 cable box to an alternative electrical outlet.
- Clean the power connector and remove obstructions from the port.
Note: If the power equipment of the box produces a buzzing sound, seek Foxtel support!
3. Refresh Foxtel iQ5’s Video Link
A potential fault with the HDMI connection can lead to disruptions in the broadcast of the iQ5 or potentially cause a black screen.
Thus, the next step is to refresh the HDMI connection between the Foxtel iQ5 box and the TV to restore the video broadcast transfer and bring back the picture.
Follow these steps to refresh Foxtel iQ5’s HDMI connection:
- Disconnect the HDMI cable of the box from the back of the TV.
- Unplug the other end of the HDMI cable from iQ5’s HDMI port.
- Wait for ~30 seconds while the HDMI adapter is disconnected.
- Connect the cable to an alternative port on the back of the TV.
- Finally, test whether the broadcast of the iQ5 will now re-appear.
Alert: Verify that the HDMI cable is securely connected on both ends!
4. Adjust the TV’s Picture Settings
These are some vital TV picture settings that regulate and adjust the broadcast of the iQ5 that appears on the display.
A misconfiguration of the resolution or motion settings may ultimately lead to disruptions in the cable box’s stream, cause flickering or result in a black screen.
The picture settings of your TV (viewing device) can be accessed without having to interact with the iQ5 box in any way.
Simply press the “Settings” button on the TV remote to open the menu.
Note: The steps are universal and may not apply to your exact TV model!
HDMI Input Source
The most essential setting for viewing third-party broadcasts on your TV is selecting the correct HDMI input source.
You can adjust the input source on most TVs by pressing the “Source” button on the remote control or navigating to “Settings” → “HDMI” → “Input” → “Sources.”
TV Motion Smoothing
Foxtel recommends deactivating the Motion Smoothing feature of your TV to stabilise the broadcast of the Foxtel iQ5 and resolve the black screen.
The motion smoothing feature can typically be found in the “Settings” → “Display” → “Picture” → “Motion” → “Motionflow.”
Note: The motion smoothing might be called “Motion Plus,” “TruMotion,” or “Motionflow” within your TV’s Picture configuration.
Display Output Resolution
The display output resolution regulates the broadcast’s resolution scale of the connected third-party device.
The Foxtel iQ5 can manually adjust the resolution scale, but investigate whether your television device also allows for adjustments on the HDMI resolution output.
Note: iQ5 boxes require either a “1080p@50” or “i1080p@50” resolution output scale!
It is always recommended to deactivate HDMI-CEC when encountering a black screen.
The feature allows for controlling physically linked multimedia devices using a single remote control but can sometimes lead to a black screen.
The feature is often found in “Settings” → “Picture.”
Tip: For trouble locating the settings, consult the TV’s user manual!
4. Replace the Foxtel iQ5 HDMI Cable
If the black screen on Foxtel iQ5 is still there, then it is reasonable to suspect that the issue will likely be hardware-sided.
So, the next step is to connect the Foxtel iQ5 box with an alternative HDMI cable to the TV and re-select the input source to display the broadcast of the cable box.
How to Detect Faults on an HDMI Cable?
Inspecting the connectors lets you quickly tell whether an HDMI cable is defective.
If you notice any bents, wear or rust, your cable may not be working correctly.
In addition, your TV port may have been overused, and if the HDMI cable connector is loose, switch to another TV HDMI port.
Tip: Test the Foxtel iQ5 and the viewing device with a proven HDMI cable!
6. Complete the Foxtel “Picture Issue” Prompt
You can run a specialised Foxtel troubleshooting prompt that recognises your problem and provides unique solutions based on the malfunction.
The issue prompt is available with any Foxtel product, including your iQ5; you only need an internet-connected device to access it.
Here’s how to use Foxtel’s “Picture Issue” online prompt:
- Open an up-to-date web browser on your PC or mobile device.
- Access Foxtel’s Picture Issue Troubleshooter website section.
- Select “iQ5” under the “What Foxtel box do you have?” prompt.
- Next, provide detailed information about the black screen error.
- Attempt the unique resolutions provided by the Foxtel detector.
Note: Use the “Next” arrow to view the solution in the queue if you’ve already tried some!
7. Test Foxtel iQ5 On a Different TV/Monitor
Perhaps the TV or monitor you’re attempting to view the broadcast of the iQ5 is defective or does not support the cable box’s resolution.
So, the next step is to disconnect the HDMI cable of the iQ5 cable box and install an alternative TV or viewing device compatible with the resolution.
After relocating the necessary equipment, test the Foxtel iQ5 on all HDMI ports on the viewing device and determine whether the broadcast will re-occur.
Conclusion: If your Foxtel iQ5 works on a different monitor, the problem is with your previous TV/monitor, not the cable box.
Quick Recap:
To resolve the Foxtel iQ5 black screen, hard reset your cable box and inspect the HDMI connection.
If the issue persists, adjust the picture settings of the connected TV device, replace the HDMI cable and test the Foxtel iQ5 on an alternative viewing device/monitor.
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Finn Wheatley holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UCL, London. He helped small data science consultancy firms, helping large corporations to grow their data capabilities, deploy advanced machine learning-based analytics and troubleshoot tech-related issues. Check out more about him here.