If your Comcast remote volume not working, there’s an easy solution for this issue.
Simply keep reading our guide as we unwrap all reasons behind this hurdle and all working solutions!
To fix when your Comcast remote’s volume isn’t working, the thing to check right away is the power supply of the device.
The next important factor to inspect is if the Comcast remote is properly programmed and whether the TV is on the correct input source.
Let’s dig deeper!
7 Reasons Why Volume Not Working On Comcast Remote?
Here’s what could be causing issues with your Comcast remote’s volume:
- A battery issue with the remote
- A problem with the receiver
- Incorrect TV audio output
- Problem with the IR signal
- The volume button is stuck
- Incomplete remote programming
- Remote hardware malfunction
Is My Comcast Remote Universal?
Though many Comcast remotes are considered to be universal (compatible with every TV/box), programming the remote to older TV devices could cause issues.
The process of connecting a Comcast remote to a third-party device is called programming.
What You’ll Need For Programming?
- The correct programming code for your TV
- A clear line of sight between the remote/TV
- No other remotes paired with the receiver
Tip: If possible, eject the batteries of all other remotes connected to your TV/receiver (if there are any), before troubleshooting your Comcast remote!
How to Fix When Comcast Remote Control Volume Not Working?
Tip: Follow our instructions consecutively!
1. Power Cycle the Comcast Remote!
A quick solution to the issue with your Comcast remote is the power cycle method.
It’s an effective way to discharge the electricity from your remote and address any button, software, or functionality issues with the device.
Follow these steps to power cycle the Comcast remote:
- Detach the battery compartment cover of the remote.
- Take the two AA batteries out of the Comcast device.
- Hold each button on the remote for about 5 seconds.
- Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.
- Reinsert the batteries back into the remote and test.
Tip: Replace the Batteries!
If power cycling the Comcast remote didn’t work, the batteries have probably died.
Comcast remotes usually take two AA batteries in their battery compartment in order to function and send IR signals.
2. Adjust the Receiver’s Audio Output!
If your TV or cable box is set to “headphones” or “external speakers” in the audio mode settings, adjusting the volume with the remote may not be possible.
To start controlling the volume of your receiver using the Comcast remote, you must set the receiver to the “default” option.
- In order to access the Output settings, your Comcast remote must be functional!
Follow these steps to change the audio output on your receiver:
- Navigate into the Settings of your receiver.
- Access the “Audio” configuration page.
- Press on “Default Output Device”.
- Adjust the setting to “Default”.
Info: If you have external audio devices connected, they’ll temporarily become inactive.
Check if the Comcast remote’s “Volume” button works while the default output device is selected.
3. Reprogram the Comcast Remote
Comcast remotes can pair with any receiver or TV, as long as you’re in possession of a TV code.
The TV code is required for connecting any remote that didn’t come along with your TV/cable box originally and is from a third-party device.
- The code for pairing Comcast remotes to TV boxes is universal “991”
Here are the popular Comcast remote TV codes:
TV: | LG | Samsung | Sony | Panasonic | Hisense | Sharp | Toshiba | Philips |
Code: | 10178 | 10812 & 10060 | 10000 | 10051 & 10250 | 10784 | 10093 & 10165 | 10156 & 11156 | 11454 |
Note: The TV code is used during the programming process!
Here’s how to pair your Comcast remote to your TV/receiver:
- Turn on your TV/receiver and wait for it to start running.
- Hold “Setup” on your Comcast remote control device.
- Wait for the LED of the remote to go from red to green.
- Insert the specific code for your television device.
- Wait for the Comcast remote to complete the pairing.
Tip: Check the user manual of your receiver for more universal remote codes!
4. Reboot your TV/Cable Box Device
Perhaps, when the Comcast remote volume not working, the best course of action would be to power cycle the TV/cable box.
If there’s a temporal software fault with your receiver device, neither of the buttons on the Comcast remote will work, the volume included.
- Power cycling your streaming device includes disconnecting it from power!
How to Power Cycle a TV / Receiver Box?
- Shut down your device with the power button on the remote.
- Unplug the power-supplying cable on both sides (wall & port).
- Wait for at least 4-5 minutes until the devices are discharged.
- Reconnect the power equipment of your setup accordingly.
Note: Keeping the devices from your setup unplugged for longer also allows the hardware to cool down.
5. Remove Connected Audio Devices!
If there are third-party audio devices existing in your streaming setup, they may be interfering with the volume of your Comcast remote control.
To test whether the volume of your TV can be adjusted, you should disconnect all external audio devices from the device first.
- Unplug ALL audio/streaming devices attached to your TV!
What Cables Do External Devices Use?
Here’s what cables third-party devices to use to connect:
- HDMI cables
- RCA cables
- AUX cables
- HDMI ARC cables
- Coaxial/optical cables
Info: Ensure that your TV is totally free from external devices and only then, check if the volume will be adjusted when pressing “Volume +” on the Comcast remote.
6. Update your Receiver’s Firmware!
If you have reached so far into our guide and the Volume of your Comcast remote is still not working it’s time to tighten the circle of possible causes.
We can’t proceed further without updating since the latest scripts always solve connection issues with remote functionality.
- In order to update your TV/box, it must be connected to the WiFi
Here’s how to (universally) update the firmware of your TV/cable box:
- Navigate into the Settings of the streaming device.
- Head to the “Firmware” or “Software Upgrade” tab.
- Press on the “Check for Updates” button next.
- Wait for the television to display an available update.
- Highlight and select the “Update” button to start.
Info: If your television/cable box fails the firmware upgrade, check the WiFi connection and retry the process.
If the process has failed repeatedly, power cycle your router/network device!
7. Reset the Comcast Remote!
The next best step is to reset the Comcast remote control and this typically happens by holding a combination of buttons simultaneously.
Then you would need to wait until the LED light of the device blinks, to indicate that the process has started.
- Resetting your Comcast remote will unpair the device from ALL receivers!
Follow these instructions to reset your Comcast remote easily:
- Press and hold the A (triangle) button.
- Hold the D (diamond) button as well.
- Keep holding the buttons for 3 seconds.
- The light status of the remote should change.
- On the keypad, type 9-8-1 and wait.
Info: The Comcast remote will blink in blue three times to indicate that the reset was successful.
8. Thoroughly Clean the Remote
Perhaps, this problem could be related to the hardware of the Comcast remote, rather than the software operation.
If the volume button gets stuck or there’s too much debris in the plastic cover of the device, the remote will not detect any presses on the buttons that are stuck.
Follow these instructions to clean your Comcast remote:
- Remove the batteries of the Comcast remote control.
- Mix soap and water used for cleaning the remote.
- Dip a link-free piece of cloth into the soapy mix.
- Wipe the Comcast remote all over, from all sides.
- Slide the cover of the battery compartment off.
- Eject the batteries inside of your Comcast remote.
- Thoroughly clean the battery compartment and poles.
- Wait for the remote control to dry up and rebuild it.
Alert: Placing the batteries into the Comcast remote while still wet can significantly damage the hardware to ensure that the device is completely dry!
Faulty Remote?
In case your Comcast remote volume is still not working, it’s possible that the unit has been damaged or internally faulty. If the remote is new, check whether you can claim the warranty.
Quick Recap:
Today we’ve learned that when Comcast remote volume not working, the most audible solution is to power cycle the remote and replace the batteries.
After that, disconnect all external audio devices, check the default output, and clean the remote before resetting it.
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Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites. Check out more about him here.