Are you wondering how to fix coax outlet not working? It can be a frustrating issue, but we have the solutions you need!
Whether you’re using the coax outlet for internet or cable TV, you’ll know it’s not working since you’re getting no service.
If this happens to you, don’t panic, you’ll be able to restore this in no time.
To fix your coax outlet not working, you want to make sure that the port in your wall is connected to the main junction. Open it up and make sure there’s a cable connection on the other end. The connector screw can loosen especially if it’s old. You also want to check the splitter on the junction and replace it if it’s the culprit.
Now that you have a much better idea of what’s going on with your home’s coax cables, we can start identifying possible problem spots before performing the fixes.
Why is My Cox Coax Outlet Not Working
There are several culprits to look at if your coax outlet fails to work. It could be that the wires behind the wall panel are not connected properly.
You’ll need to examine your home’s cabling to find the portion where it’s disconnected.
Here are the issues you’re likely to face when your coax outlet stops working:
1. Dirty Coax Ports And Connectors
Coax cables rely on a direct connection. Dirt and dust can easily disrupt these connections and cause your outlets to stop working.
2. Loose Connections
Coax cables are connected by a connector with a screw end for a secure fit. These can easily get loose, and if it’s behind the wall plate, you may not be able to spot them quickly.
3. Damaged Cable Junction Splitter
Your main junction is where the outdoor line enters your home. A splitter is a device that spreads the cables around your home.
A damaged splitter will cause problems since the signal will not be able to propagate.
4. Faulty Cables
Damaged or defective cables can also cause this issue, especially if it happens to the wires that connect your outlet to the main junction in your home.
These are the sources of the issues that are likely plaguing you if your coax outlets are not working.
We can now move on to the full fix guide so you can get your internet or cable up and running again!
How to Fix Coax Outlet Not Working – Easy Solutions!
Having your coax outlets suddenly stop working can be overwhelming. You can sometimes overlook some of the simplest and quickest solutions, like tightening the connector.
You may think that you’re dealing with an outlet issue when you only have a loose connection.
Secure it and check if you get your internet or cable service back.
If it doesn’t, then let’s proceed to other steps that will get your coax outlet up and running in no time:
Solution #1: Clean the Coax Outlet and Cable
One of the reasons your coax outlet and cable stops working is dust and dirt. Grime can accumulate on the connector pin, and if it gets thick enough, it can disrupt the signals.
The best way to deal with this would be to clean the port and connector thoroughly.
Here’s how to clean your coax properly:
- Disconnect your cable from the wall outlet.
- Get a cotton ball and saturate it with rubbing alcohol.
- Use a pair of tweezers to rub the cotton into the connector.
- Make sure not to bend or break the center pin.
- Wait for about a minute before reconnecting the cable.
Note: You can also clean the port on your wall outlet using the cotton ball and rubbing alcohol method.
Solution #2: Check the Connection Behind the Wall Plate
Your coax outlet can stop working because it’s not connected to the main junction in your home due to a loose connection behind the plate.
You’ll need to open up the outlet and check if the cable behind it is still in place and secure. If it’s old, there’s a good chance that it’s broken or loose.
Here’s how to check behind your coax outlet’s wall plate:
- Disconnect the wire that connects to the outlet.
- Remove the faceplate of the wall outlet.
- Unscrew the base plate from the wall and pull it out.
- Inspect the cable that fastens at the back of the outlet.
- Attach or tighten the cable for a secure fit.
Tip: You also want to check for damage to the cable, such as fraying of the insulation or a broken connector pin.
Solution #3: Check the Outdoor Line from the Box to Your Home
After confirming that your wall outlet is still not working, you want to check the outdoor connections.
The coax cable that goes into your home usually originates from a box outside your home. You want to make sure that the cable or box is in excellent condition.
Here’s how to check your outdoor line:
- Walk around your home and look for the outdoor coax line.
- Make sure the outdoor cables have tension in them.
- Trace it and make sure that it goes directly to the box unbroken.
- Look for the other end in your home.
Pro Tip: The other end of the coax cable in your home is usually found in your basement or crawlspace.
Solution #4: Get a New Splitter for Your Main Cable Junction
If the outdoor connections look like they’re in good working order. You want to check the main cable junction in your home.
Remember that basement or crawlspace area in Solution #3. Let’s focus there as there are multiple areas of failure you can find there.
The junction is where your main coax cable is split into the different connections in your home. This is usually done by a splitter which branches out the signal throughout your home.
If all the connectors are tight and secure on the splitter, you want to replace it with a different one.
Here’s how to do it:
- Unscrew all the connectors on your coax splitter.
- Replace your splitter with a new one.
- Connect all the coax cables to the splitter.
- Make sure you plug in the coax from the outdoor box to the IN port.
- Reconnect the rest of your cables to the OUT port.
Note: Make sure that you get a high-quality coax splitter as this splits the signal and boosts it.
Solution #5: Use a Multimeter to Check the Connecting Cables
At this point, if your coax outlets are still not working, you’ll have to suspect damaged or faulty cables.
The cables that run from your splitter junction to the wall outlet can be damaged and do not carry the signal properly.
If this is the case, you will need to replace them. However, before you do that, you’ll need to test them first to see which line you’ll replace.
Here’s how to check your cables using the multimeter tool:
- Set your multimeter to CONT to check for continuity.
- Disconnect the ends of your cable from the ports.
- Connect one probe to the connector pin on one end of the coax cable.
- Connect the other probe to the connector pin on the other end.
- Your tester will emit a tone. If it does, your cable is fine.
Solution #6: Check for a Short on the Coax Cable and Outlet
You can also test for short circuits on the cables that connect our coax outlet from the splitter box.
Short circuits can cause the cables to stop working affecting your outlets.
Here’s how to check for short circuits using a multimeter:
- Remove the coax cable that connects your splitter box to the outlet.
- Set your multimeter to CONT.
- Connect one end of the probe to the outer lip of cable.
- Connect the other end to the center pin.
- You want a negative or no reading at all.
Note: If your tester emits a tone, it means that your cable is shorted and you’ll need to replace it.
That’s it! You can now replace your connectors, cables, or splitters depending on the results of these steps.
Since these involve wiring, you can also contact a professional for assistance in replacing these parts.
The good news is that these don’t carry any electrical current, so you’ll be relatively safe handling the coax cables and connectors.
Read Next: How to Tell If Coax Cable is Bad?
Bottom Line
Now that you know how to fix coax outlet not working, you can follow these steps to get your internet or cable service up and running.
Call your provider if you find an issue with your outdoor line or a professional if you’re having difficulties resolving the issue.
Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites. Check out more about him here.