Whatever the reason may be, it comes as no surprise if you are wondering — Can you leave a voicemail without calling?
It may be personal preference, or you are just the type of a person who is not a big fan of making calls.
You may just be trying to avoid the anxiety of handling a call.
The good news is that it is possible and in fact, there are multiple ways you can go straight to voicemail.
No more awkward ringing of the phone, with the chance of the person on the other line picking it up.
You can do this either via your carrier, or through the help of third-party services and applications.
In this article, you will learn how to leave a voicemail without the need to actually make the attempt to call.
Here are some of the ways how:
So, Can You Leave a Voicemail Without Calling?
Several mobile carriers make it possible for your message to be sent straight to voicemail, without the need to ring the other line.
What carrier are you on? The process varies from one provider to another, and here are the steps on how to do it on each of them
Here are the steps if you are an AT&T subscriber.
First, go to your voicemail box. You do this by pressing and holding the 1 key, and then 2.
Next, enter the 10-digit phone number of the person you want to send a voicemail to.
Then, feel free to record your message by speaking to the phone.
If you want to check your message first before sending it over, press 1. After that, press the pound key (#).
Then, you have the option for the delivery type for your message.
If you want to mark it as Urgent, press 2. If you want to mark it as how to leave a voicemail without calling, press 3.
To finalize and send, press the pound key once more.
On Verizon
It is a little bit different for a Verizon subscriber. Here is how you do it.
From your device, call your voicemail access number. Then press 2 to proceed to send a message.
After that, you will be redirected to a voice prompt with instructions dictated to you.
From there, you can choose from recording your message first and then inputting the number afterwards, or the other way around.
Either way, it won’t affect the service and you can choose whatever you prefer at this point.
After you are done, you would then be given the delivery options.
You press 1 for private, 2 if it is urgent, 3 if you want it delivered as requesting confirmation, or 4 or future delivery.
Lastly, press the pound key (#) to send your message to the receiver.
On T-Mobile
The process for T-Mobile subscribers is a bit easier. Here is how it will go:
First, call the number 1-805-637-7243.
Once you are connected, you would be prompted to login to your voicemail account. Enter your credentials to proceed.
Among the options that will be given to you once you login, choose to send a message.
From there, you will be guided by an automated voice prompt throughout the rest of the process.
On Sprint
It is also simple and straightforward on Sprint.
To start, simply call your own voicemail number, and sign in when prompted to do so.
After that, you would be given a set of options and you should pick to send a message.
Follow the spoken instructions and you are good to go.
On Straight Talk
For Straight Talk users, here is how you can do it:
First, enter your voicemail account by dialing *86 on your phone’s dialer app.
Then, input your enrolled PIN code to have access to your voicemail box.
Now to send your message, Press 2. After that, type in the number you are trying to reach followed by the Pound key.
Finally, record your message and press the pound key to finalize and send.
How To Leave a Voicemail Without Calling Using Apps?
But what if your career does not have this kind of service or feature?
Aside from what your carrier can offer, there are also third-party apps that can do this job for you.
Two of the most popular apps that can help you go directly to voicemail are Slydial and WhatCall.
Both have their own pros and cons, so here are some short insights that can help you make the decision on what to choose.
#1. Slydial
The Slydial app is available both for Android and iOS.
It is a freemium software, which means you can get it for free, but you have the option to pay for a premium version of it.
For free users, they need to listen to an ad first before they can make their call.
For users who are willing to pay a small amount for a subscription, there would be no ads at any point.
How to use Slydial?
Follow the steps to record and send your voicemail using the Slydial app.
- Download and install the app on your phone, depending on your platform.
- Create an account through the app.
- Connect to the service of the app by dialing 267-SLYDIAL on your phone.
- Follow the voice prompt.
- Enter the number you are reaching and record your message.
- Finally, send it.
One thing you should be aware of is that Slydial only works when you are reaching a mobile phone.
The app will not work for landlines.
#2. WhatCall
WhatCall is available for iOS and on Android as a sideloaded app. This app makes it easier for users by importing all the existing contacts of the user to the app.
Now all the user has to do is select the contact they want to leave a voicemail to and call them.
WhatCall only works for mobile phones, too. It costs $0.99 to use and does not have a free version.
Before You Go
If you wish to know if you can leave a voicemail without calling, the option is pretty much available for any carrier.
However, if you wish to use third party applications, know that these services have started to receive numerous reports of not working from time to time.
Read Next: Know how to delete Verizon Voicemail easily!
Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites. Check out more about him here.