Amazon Fire Stick remote blinking yellow light is often an indication of a connectivity problem. Two different types of connectivity ensure your Amazon Fire Stick is working well.
One is the wireless internet connection to your router, while the other is the Bluetooth connection between your Fire Stick and the remote.
The connectivity problems that make your Amazon Fire Stick remote blink yellow are often caused by router-modem and firmware-related issues. You may also need to replace your Fire Stick batteries since low batteries hinder your remote and Fire Stick from pairing up well.
In this article, you’ll learn about the steps you need to take to ensure the connectivity issues are solved, and Fire Stick resumes working and paired well again.
But first, let’s dive into the in-depth analysis of the causes of yellow light flashing.
Reasons Why Amazon Firestick is Blinking Yellow Light
Below are some of the possible reasons why the Amazon Fire Stick remote is blinking yellow:
Internet Connection Interruptions
Your modem has to be working well and connected to your internet service provider tower for Amazon Fire TV to work.
The modem also has to be appropriately connected to the router. Ensure that you’ve paid your internet bill, so you don’t experience any internet disruptions.
Firmware Related Issues
Just like other home appliances Amazon Fire Stick and your TV requires updates to work optimally.
Even though Amazon Fire Stick automatically updates itself every time it’s on, sometimes you may have to do it manually. You may also need to reset your remote if it doesn’t pair up with the Fire Stick.
Low Battery
Amazon Fire Stick remote controls use AAA batteries that run out of power after prolonged use. A remote with no battery will certainly not pair well with the Fire Stick.
Electronics have connectivity limitations. Your Fire Stick and WiFi router must be closer to each other, so they’re within range.
Your remote also won’t work if you’re too far away from the Fire Stick.
Amazon Fire Stick Blinking Yellow Light – Solutions
Solution #1 Reset Your Router
Since the Amazon fire stick, remote flashing yellow light is primarily a connection issue, the first thing to check the internet connection is by contacting your internet service provider.
Due to bad weather or maintenance issues, there could be interruptions, but such disruptions won’t last long and are often communicated in advance by the ISP.
However, if you have internet and your modem is working fine, it’s time to reset your WiFi router. Resetting a router solves a whole host of problems.
Here’s how to reset your router:
- Ensure your router is plugged into a power source.
- Find the reset button on the bottom or back of your router.
- Get a paperclip and hold down the reset button.
- Release the reset button for the router to power back on.
NOTE: Resetting the router to its factory default state will eliminate any issues caused by custom settings, reverting your network to the state it was in when it came out of the box.
Solution #2 Check For Software Updates
Just like most tech giants Amazon rolls out new software updates almost every other month. To keep your Amazon Fire Stick running well, it’s important to update the device regularly.
Firmware issues, bugs or malware may cause connectivity issues, for instance. When such issues interrupt the connection, your remote will blink yellow.
Here’s how to do an update:
- Go to the Fire TV menu, then Settings.
- Go to Device, then select About.
- If the “Device” option isn’t there, select “System.”
- Choose Check for System Update.
- Select Install System Update.
New software updates will install automatically on your Fire stick, and it can take 30 minutes or more before the new changes take effect.
They may also take effect next time you reboot your Fire device.
Note: If you install the latest software, you can also get fixes that remove broken or incorrectly added features in previous versions.
Solution #3 Reset Your Fire Stick Remote
The connection problem that causes the fire stick remote to blink yellow is sometimes caused by its inability to connect to the TV.
This issue often fades after a while, but it’s best to reset the remote if it persists.
Follow these steps to reset your Fire Stick remote:
- Long press the Home button, then release it.
- Press the Menu button nine times.
- Unplug the Fire TV from the power source, then wait for 60 seconds.
- Remove batteries from your Fire Stick remote, then put them back in.
- Plug your TV, and after the Home screen appears, press Home and hold.
3rd generation Fire Stick remotes are much more sophisticated, and with Alexa, you can complete the reset with a voice command.
After the reset, ensure you restart your TV, and the yellow flashing will be gone.
Note: The steps you need to take to reset the remote for your Fire Stick will depend on the device you have.
Solution #4 Unplug and Re-plug Fire Stick
The connection issue that’s causing your Fire Stick remote to flash yellow could be because you’ve plugged it in the wrong HDMI port.
Consider unplugging it from the TV, waiting for about a minute, and then plug it back in in a different port.
HDMI port issues are prevalent, especially with Smart TVs that need to be updated and reset over time. If your TV has a primary HDMI port, it’s the one you should often plug in your Amazon Fire Stick too.
You can test the HDMI parts and know the working ones and faulty ones. Alternatively, you can restart your TV, and the lousy HDMI port may get working again.
Solution #5 Change Fire Stick Remote Batteries
Batteries are the lifeline of your Fire Stick remote since they power and keep it working. Remotes batteries, just like any device with batteries, often run out after some time of use.
With run-out batteries, the remote won’t connect with your Fire Stick consistently, which often prompts the yellow light to be flashing.
Here are some tips on battery care:
- Avoid mindlessly pressing the remote.
- Keep a stock of compatible batteries.
- Change batteries as soon as they run out.
- Keep the remote away from children.
Because Fire Stick use Bluetooth instead of infrared, their remotes can become inconsistent if the batteries are running low.
If the batteries aren’t replaced in time, the remote won’t work with no flashing light.
TIP: If you don’t want to spend much money purchasing AAA remote batteries, you can buy rechargeable batteries.
However, rechargeable batteries provide 1.2V, unlike their alkaline counterparts, which provide 1.5V.
Read Next: Can Firestick Connect to Bluetooth Speakers?
Last Thoughts
Since the Amazon Fire Stick remote blinks yellow because of poor connectivity, you should always check your modem and router when the issue arises. Proceed to get new remote batteries, check for software updates then reset your Fire Stick remote.
Restart your TV, and all should be fine.
It’s safe to conclude that there are many possible solutions to the Amazon fire stick remote blinking yellow light.
After reading the guide, even if you didn’t know how to begin fixing the issue, you’ll be able to know your next steps.
Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites. Check out more about him here.